City of Roseville: Roseville Electric Roseville Energy Park
City of Sacramento: Sump 2 Improvements Project
City of West Sacramento: Palamidessi Bridge
Golden One Center: The Golden 1 Center is an indoor arena, located in Downtown Sacramento.
I Street Bridge:
Opus West Corporation: Promenade at Natomas Project
Proctor & Gamble: New Stearyl / Alcohol Unit
Proctor & Gamble: Cogeneration Project
River City Baseball Association: River Cats Baseball Stadium
Sacramento Power Authority: Cogeneration Project
SMUD: East Campus (Headquarters Building)
SMUD: Cosumnes Power Plant
SMUD: Carson Ice Plant
SMUD: General Presidents Project Maintenance Agreements
SMUD: Rancho Seco Nuclear Generating Station
Sutter Medical Center Roseville: Sutter Medical Center Roseville Campus
Sutter Hospital Expansion:
Tower Bridge: